6 years ago this morning, we lost Greg to a series of gaps and breaks in the health system.

Many things have happened since then. We have got to know and appreciate a number of great people who are working hard to effect change and to close the gaps.  It is not just a local problem but one that affects patients and families and providers too, nationally and indeed internationally.

It is a huge task though, for much of the problem comes from a structure that is not built to foster and support teamwork and collaboration.  Instead, the silos that have developed over time and the politicization of the management, goals and accountability measures has made it much more difficult.

There is now a growing recognition that what is needed is a wholesale effort, strongly supported and driven by the healthy public along with the devoted people that are part of the system to make the substantial and in some cases dramatic improvements.

As Greg’s family, we are very pleased with the response that we have been getting to the special short film Falling Through The Cracks: Greg’s Story. We premiered the film earlier this week and the outstanding panel provided their perspectives on not only the film but interacted with the audience and provided hope for a better future.

We have also launched the Co-Pilot Collective and hope everyone that has a story, an idea, a suggestion or even the desire to be informed and able to support solutions will sign up on this public, community platform.  We are excited about its potential to bring people together, create a movement and drive the positive change that is needed. 

The premiere generated great discussion, a lot of social media activity and we are seeing new “Co-Pilots” coming onboard. 

Thank you to everyone, past, present and indeed future, that are putting talents and determination to this effort.

6 years later, and the start of something new

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